Initialization or reset request

First login or forgotten password ? Reset your password

Indicate your VINCI main email address below.
You will receive an email with a password reset link

Please fix the following issues:

Find out how to reset your password below

To reset your password, follow these steps:

  1. Enter your main email address and copy the content of the captcha code.
  2. You will receive an email with instructions on how to change your password.
  3. Go to the page dedicated to resetting your password.
  4. Enter and confirm your new password, respecting the rules presented below.
  5. The username required for your connection will be communicated to you in the last email.

Password entry rules

Your password must respect the following rules:

  • Password must not contain your first or last name.
  • Password must be at least twelve characters long.
  • The password must contain characters belonging to the following four categories:
    • Uppercase letters of the Latin alphabet (A to Z)
    • Lower case letters of the Latin alphabet (a to z)
    • Base 10 digits (0 to 9)
    • Special characters that are not characters from the three previous categories (example : !@#$%^&*()_{}[]=-;':"?\/<>,)
  • Please note, once the password has been changed, you will have to wait 24 hours before you can reset it again.
Examples of invalid password:
  • P%sse
  • MotDePasse0512
  • motdepasse
  • MyNameIs!Jean12 (if your first name Jean-Philippe)